Midnight Tango

Saturday 1463 – 15th July 2012.


“You can dance anywhere and you can dance in your mind, in your heart.”–Jacques D’Amboise


                                                                                                                     Manuel Harlan


I know this blog is often serious and I make no apologies about that as I guess I am quite a serious person. I don’t think I had realised just how much this is so but it has become apparent to me since I started this blog that at times I do want to use it to talk about issues that are of importance to me.

I DO hope my sense of humour can be glimpsed too!

I am reminded that this blog isn’t just what I am thinking about but what I am doing on each of the last 1500  Saturdays I might have left.

So today’s is about unbridled pleasure..

It was my daughter’s birthday in December and I bought her a present that she has only just received, but definitely worth waiting for, tickets to see Midnight Tango in Milton Keynes, home of the Open University, Concrete Cows and Grid pattern streets that all look the same!.

Here’s a bit from the advertising blurb which tells you a little about it though it doesn’t mention that there’s also a lot of comedy in there –

“Midnight Tango is set in a late night bar in downtown Buenos Aires and featuring some of the finest Tango dancers in the world and live music, Midnight Tango, takes you on a journey into a heart of this intoxicating city. Danger and excitement, joy and jealousy, pain and passion all combine.”

Unfortunately photography was strictly prohibited and even though I did sneak a couple of shots they weren’t up to much so for once I am using shots found on the internet ( shame on you Helen !! ) to illustrate what I love about the Tango.. The body tension,precision and lines, intimacy, passion and sensuality.

Vincent Simone and Flavia Cacace are brilliant world-class dancers and the show is a showcase for them.

I have credited the photos where I can –

Take a look.

                                                                                         Alastair Muir




Manuel Harlan


                                      Manuel Harlan


                                                                          Manuel Harlan


and better still a video of a few bits from the show

If you get the opportunity to see this show I would most definitely take it..

I love this quote attributed to Anastasia Demaggio though I’ve no idea who she is!

“In tango, the relationship between lead and follower, man and woman, is so intense and all-consuming, that there is simply no time for small talk. The last man I danced with, I know more intricately in many ways than his lover: I know that he perspires in a tiny spot above his brow; that when the dance slows and our connection is tight, his breathing almost stops; that when my leg sweeps his, he arches his neck imperceptibly upwards; that when another couple got too close he subconsciously enclosed me in a protective embrace; and that his hand rested so delicately on the flesh of my back. Yet all I know about him are his name and his country of origin. Small talk is a luxury not afforded to us tango addicts.”


and here’s some street Tango in Argentina… I especially like the 2nd half of this video

I hope you’ve enjoyed my happy trip into the world of the Tango

I also have a daily photography blog called Helen’s Photomania which you can find here I hope you’ll pop over and take a look if you haven’t already.

19 comments on “Midnight Tango

  1. […] have visited a beautiful woodland burial site, a 40′s re-enactment, a craft fair, theatres, listened and watched Gamelan (what’s that I can hear you ask!)  and taken you with me on […]

  2. Tango. Oooolalalalalala! I have always wanted to take lessons, but alas, my man is not keen. Look at the shot where the man has his hand clamped around her ankle. Hello! I’d like to try that.

  3. […] the last 2 Saturdays I shared Midnight Tango ( a birthday present to my daughter) and Walking with Birds ( a birthday present to my son) both […]

  4. […] ( it was in December!) by taking her to see a show called Midnight Tango and you can read that post here if you haven’t seen […]

  5. Wow! Hot as!!! They are spectacular. In the clip, where the woman is in black and she’s dancing with the man, Alistair? Ei ei ei! I was just about to take an afternoon nap. Forget it! I’m off for a run now.

    • Helen Cherry says:

      Glad you like them solidG .. The man is Italian ! Vincent Simone…. Alistair Muir was the photographer who took the top photo 😉
      If you look on youtube and put in Vincent and Flavia you’ll see lots of clips of them dancing..

  6. ~mimo~ says:

    very elegant shots!!

  7. scillagrace says:

    Ah, yes. With 1500 Saturdays, many must be spent dancing! My sister Dharam introduced me to contact improvisational dancing at a studio in San Francisco. She goes to “contact jams” all over and speaks of a connection that is more intuitive and intimate than most couples achieve over decades of speaking.

  8. lubagnu says:

    wow i am soooo jealous

  9. Ashley says:

    Saw this show last year absolutely fantastic

  10. totsymae1011 says:

    Now, these are skills I’d love to have. I love dancing but terrible at it. And it’s something to see such passion live on stage. Your daughter had a delightful treat.

  11. Marleen says:

    Oh Helen, I LOVE tango. It’s probably the dance that expresses the widest range of emotions. But is sensuality is so OOOHHHH. Happened upon a tango concert/demonstration when we were in Spain last. BEAUTIFUL!!! Two Flemish guys residing in South-America had an LP out, many moons ago, Tangos y otras Milongas. I used to play that day in day out until i had it fully absorbed. So beautiful! Shall play it again now!

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